Soma Formula Jar
Soma Formula Jar
An ancient Ayurvedic recipe combining 7 herbs that coat the myelin sheath calming the nervous system. Long-term results and benefits come from this herbal combination and can take the frayed nerve and return it to it’s healed version. Use for nervous system, thyroid, autoimmune, adrenal, hormone and any other neural issues and just to maintain calm. Eat simply with its natural carriers ghee and honey or stir into a warm drink with ghee and honey adding cacao powder if you wish. Try blending with ghee and honey into cacao paste and cooling for your own herbal chocolate bar. Blended in Sedona I believe this is the first time this product is on the internet.
1 part warm ghee/1 part raw honey. Add Soma to cookie dough consistency. Eat plain or add to any hot drink.
Warning: women with breast cancer please contact the shop so we can provide you a version without kapikachu, a phytoestrogen.
Check out and meet Mally Paquette.
One 6 oz jar contains 2 oz of powder